Sunday, July 01, 2007

Search Your Google Web History

Sometimes it happens that I might want to revisit a genealogy site that I didn't think necessary to bookmark at my first visit. It just happened to me this week. When I first visited this site, I didn't think this site had any relevance to my research, but later, based on some newly-found information I had received, I wanted to double check the site. But unfortunately, I hadn't bookmarked the site, couldn't remember the name, nor what keywords I used to originally find the site in Google.

However, there is a way to find previously visited sites by restricting Google search to your Google Web History.

To search and/or browse web pages you have previously visited via Google Search, you can do so using your Google Web History. Log into your account at Google, click on iGoogle on the Google homepage, and then select “Web History” on the very top and right. Now you can use the “Search History” search box to search only within the web pages you previously visited via Google. I found Google had my web history for 2 years.

If Google has no Web History for you, be sure to enable Save Web History in your Google account.

For more Google ideas, check out Genealogy Google Search Ideas.

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